Environmental Documents
The General Plan Update is classified as a project under the California Environmental Quality Act.
Final Environmental Impact Report
The Final EIR provides a response to comments received on the Draft EIR and identifies changes to the Draft EIR.
Final Environmental Impact Report
Notice of Availability
The City of Cotati is circulating the Public Review Draft General Plan and the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the Cotati General Plan Update. The Draft EIR provides an analysis of the potential environmental impacts associated with implementation of the 2013 Cotati General Plan. Members of the public and other interested agencies and individuals are invited to provide comments on the 2013 General Plan and Draft EIR. Written comments on the 2013 General Plan and the Draft EIR may be submitted in writing to: Vicki Parker, Community Development Director, 201 West Sierra Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931. Written comments must be received by October 24, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Copies of the General Plan and Draft EIR are available at City Hall, at the address provided above, or downloaded on this website. Download the Notice of Availability.
Draft Environmental Impact Report
The Draft EIR provides an analysis of the potential environmental impacts associated with implementation of the 2013 Cotati General Plan.
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Appendix A - NOP and NOP Comments
Appendix B - Air Quality Modeling
Appendix C - Traffic Modeling
Appendix D - Noise Modeling
Notice of Preparation
The City of Cotati will serve as Lead Agency in the preparation of a programmatic Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) addressing the comprehensive update to the City's General Plan. This programmatic EIR will address the environmental impacts associated with the adoption and implementation of the 2013 Cotati General Plan. This Notice of Preparation of EIR (download here) to address potential environmental effects of the General Plan is available for public review and comment through Information regarding the project description, project location, public outreach process and topics to be addressed in the Draft EIR is provided in the NOP. The NOP is available for public comment through September 12, 2013; all comments must be received prior to 5:00 p.m. on September 12, 2013 at the address provided below:
City of Cotati
Community Development Department
Vicki Parker, Community Development Director
201 West Sierra Avenue
Cotati, CA 94931
Email: vparker@ci.cotati.ca.us